Jokes about "Helen Keller"!
Did you hear that new "Helen Keller" joke?
Don't worry, neither did she!
How did Helen Keller's Parents punish her when she was "Bad"?
They would "Re-arrange the Furniture"!
How did Helen Keller burn her ear?
She "Answered the Iron"!
How did Helen Keller burn her "Other" ear?
The guy called back!
How did Helen Keller burn her "Fingers"?
She tried to "Read the Waffle Iron"!
How did Helen Keller burn "Her Face"?
"Bobbing for French Fries"!
What is the definition of "Endless Love"?
Helen Keller and Stevie Wonder playing "Tennis"!
Have you seen Helen Keller's "House"?
Neither has "She"!
Why did Helen Keller's shoes smell like "Urine"?
Her Dog was "Blind" too
How does Helen Keller "Meet Men"?
On "Blind Dates"!
Why does Helen Keller masturbate with one hand?
So she can moan with the other!
Why was Helen Keller truly an inspiration?
She learned how to read and write despite being from Alabama!
Did you hear about Helen Keller's dating life?
She isn't "Seeing" anyone
How do you know when Helen Keller is home?
When you hear somebody falling down the stairs!
Why didn't Helen Keller show up for her "Court Date"?
She lost her hearing!
Why can't Helen Keller have babies?
Because she's DEAD!
Why were Helen Keller's children ALSO "Blind"?
Because she would try to "Feed" them with a FORK!
Why didn't Helen Keller change her baby's diaper?
So that she could always find him!
Why was Helen Keller such an AWFUL "Driver"?
Because she was a "Woman", DUH!
What did Helen Keller get for Christmas?
"Polio", she already had everything else!
Did you hear about the new Helen Keller Doll?
You wind it up and it bumps into the furniture and walls!
Why did Helen Keller eat her poop?
She thought it was a candy bar!
Where did Helen Keller work all the live long day?
The "Braille Road"!
Fun "E" $#iT ]