Helen Keller Jokes

Jokes about "Helen Keller"!

Question; Did you hear that new "Helen Keller" joke?
Answer; Don't worry, neither did she!

Ha Ha Ha!

Question; How did Helen Keller's Parents punish her when she was "Bad"?
Answer; They would "Re-arrange the Furniture"!

Ha Ha Ha!

Question; How did Helen Keller burn her ear?
Answer; She "Answered the Iron"!

Ha Ha Ha!

Question; How did Helen Keller burn her "Other" ear?
Answer; The guy called back!

Question; How did Helen Keller burn her "Fingers"?
Answer; She tried to "Read the Waffle Iron"!

Ha Ha Ha!

Question; How did Helen Keller burn "Her Face"?
Answer; "Bobbing for French Fries"!

Ha Ha Ha!

Question; What is the definition of "Endless Love"?
Answer; Helen Keller and Stevie Wonder playing "Tennis"!

Ha Ha Ha!

Question; Have you seen Helen Keller's "House"?
Answer; Neither has "She"!

Ha Ha Ha!

Question; Why did Helen Keller's shoes smell like "Urine"?
Answer; Her Dog was "Blind" too !

Ha Ha Ha!

Question; How does Helen Keller "Meet Men"?
Answer; On "Blind Dates"!

Ha Ha Ha!

Question; Why does Helen Keller masturbate with one hand?
Answer; So she can moan with the other!

Ha Ha Ha!

Question; Why was Helen Keller truly an inspiration?
Answer; She learned how to read and write despite being from Alabama!

Ha Ha Ha!

Question; Did you hear about Helen Keller's dating life?
Answer; She isn't "Seeing" anyone !

Ha Ha Ha!

Question; How do you know when Helen Keller is home?
Answer; When you hear somebody falling down the stairs!

Ha Ha Ha!

Question; Why didn't Helen Keller show up for her "Court Date"?
Answer; She lost her hearing!

Ha Ha Ha!

Question; Why can't Helen Keller have babies?
Answer; Because she's DEAD!

Ha Ha Ha!

Question; Why were Helen Keller's children ALSO "Blind"?
Answer; Because she would try to "Feed" them with a FORK!

Ha Ha Ha!

Question; Why didn't Helen Keller change her baby's diaper?
Answer; So that she could always find him!

Ha Ha Ha!

Question; Why was Helen Keller such an AWFUL "Driver"?
Answer; Because she was a "Woman", DUH!

Ha Ha Ha!

Question; What did Helen Keller get for Christmas?
Answer; "Polio", she already had everything else!

Ha Ha Ha!

Question; Did you hear about the new Helen Keller Doll?
Answer; You wind it up and it bumps into the furniture and walls!

Ha Ha Ha!

Question; Why did Helen Keller eat her poop?
Answer; She thought it was a candy bar!

Question; Where did Helen Keller work all the live long day?
Answer; The "Braille Road"!

Ha Ha Ha!

Helen Keller walks onto a Bar

[ Fun "E" $#iT ]